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How to Prevent Tree Damage

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As a homeowner, you have the power to prevent tree damage from occurring. By knowing what can cause damage and how to take the proper measures, you can help your trees recover and grow stronger. Grade changes, soil compaction, severing of roots, trunk and limb injury from construction equipment and activities, and limb breakage are all potential causes of serious damage to your trees. Some trees, especially mature ones with surface roots, are more susceptible to damage from these disturbances than others.

Stakes and Girdles

Trees may need staking, especially if they are planted in locations where they might be top heavy or exposed to strong winds. Stakes can keep the tree stabilized while it develops a healthy root system that will support it. However, if stakes are placed too tightly or the tree is staking for more than one year, a girdle can form around the trunk that chokes off water and nutrients and may kill the tree.

If you stake a young tree, check its trunk and roots regularly for signs of girdling. If the roots are growing deep and outward from the trunk instead of circling the base, it probably means the stake is rubbing against the trunk or the ties have become so tight that they are binding small areas of bark. Stakes should be long enough to allow the tree some movement. Use flat, soft ties that can encircle the trunk but not so tight that they are immobilizing the tree. This will encourage some swaying in the wind, which strengthens the tree and promotes healthy root development.


Whether a weed is an unsightly nuisance, or a plant that is beneficial in the garden, it can affect your tree’s growth and health. Weeds can rob water and nutrients from the soil, which can weaken a tree’s roots and make it susceptible to damage. Weeds can also provide valuable ecological services, such as regenerating eroded soil and establishing in disturbed habitats that are otherwise unsuitable for other plants. Some weeds are adapted to specific stress conditions, such as drought or frequent flooding.

These weeds can be controlled by mowing or by using herbicides. However, these methods are often not cost effective or can be time consuming. Weeds in and around your tree can be controlled by a 2-to-3-inch layer of mulch that surrounds the base of the tree. Be sure to keep the mulch at least 2 inches away from the trunk. This will protect the tree’s root system from weeds and grass that may try to grow back up into the Cheap Tree Removal Near me in Las Vegas.

Lawn Mowers

Running into a tree with lawn equipment like mowers or trimmers is not something that we can always avoid. But, the most obvious way to prevent damage is to avoid mowing close to or under a tree. Injuries to trees caused by yard equipment can be very costly. It may begin as a minor injury, but it can quickly deteriorate into a larger problem.

The most serious problems are usually large wounds that tear the bark and spread infection. Repeated small wounds can also cause damage to a tree’s roots, which are critical for its health and stability. There are many ways to protect your tree from lawn power tools, but one of the most important is to create a protective barrier around the base of the tree. This can be done by mulching the area out to the tree’s drip line or by erecting a fence around it.


Tree pests are a serious threat to the health and safety of your home and landscaping. They can deteriorate your trees, cause them to fall, and even destroy your landscape. Fortunately, you can prevent damage from occurring by following a few simple tree care practices. By doing so, you can keep your yard free from disease and pests and save money in the process.

One way to protect your plants is by choosing the right species for your climate and garden conditions. This ensures that the plants you plant will thrive in your space and avoid disease problems in the future. Another way to protect your trees is by monitoring them closely for signs of pests and diseases. This includes checking for scraped trunks, broken branches, and wilted leaves.

If you see signs of a problem, take immediate action to remedy the issue. This could include pruning, removing dead and dying branches, applying fertilizer, or treating
with an insecticide.

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